Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spain and a pic from Azrou

Sooo, I didn’t post before Spring Break… My bad. But that means that I have been having a great time.

Here is a quick pic from Azrou

On April 1, I flew to Barcelona and visited Ali and the Sardoninis. Barcelona is absolutely beautiful but soooo different from what I have become accustomed to in Morocco. Culture shock is definitely an interesting experience. Ali picked me up at the airport and I immediately felt uneasy with the amount of white people around me. Sure, Moroccans are considered Caucasian, but they are far from the European white that I know in the U.S or Europe. Additionally, everything looked so new and shiny. I can only imagine what it must be for a Moroccan to enter Europe after spending their entire life in Morocco. Going back to the United States will definitely be interesting…

Soooo, Barcelona seems to be everything that it has been hyped up to be. The beaches are absolutely beautiful and the food was great. It was a big relief being in a nation that had ham again. Sure, I am not the biggest fan of it, but when you have been denied something like ham and pork for so long, you miss it. Oh, and did I mention how I miss bacon? I love baconJ

The wine was so cheap in Barca. Sure, I am use to having bad bottles of wine in Morocco, but most of the wine in Barca was very cheap. For a few Euros you could have a decent bottle of wine. Also, the bars are an experience of their own. We went to one place that specializes in fancy alcoholic shots. Basically, they add all the flavors of alcohol together and then find a theme for the shot. One such thing was the Boyscout, which was a shot that was then lit on fire and then you roasted a marshmallow over it and waited for the fire to die out. It was surprisingly classy.

Ali showed us around Barcelona. Highlights of the visit (besides eating) were the Gaudi exhibits and Gelato by the river. Gaudi was the most famous architect from Barcelona. He created many works, including a great Cathedral and a few apartment complexes (one of which was never resided in). We visited one complex and it was outstanding. It appeared to me like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. I was expecting some oompa loompas to run out and visit.

The Sardoninis had an apartment, which was really awesome. They made me some of the food that I had been craving, a big chicken dinner, and a great pork roast as well. Plus, breakfasts were served with BACON! It was great seeing familiar faces for the first time in months.

OOOOH, before I forget, Mike, Ali, and I went to a conveyor belt Japanese restaurant. Awesome!

Overall, it was a great time that was capped off by seeing Pat and Pete at the Barca airport. They were visiting Ali for their Spring break. I hope to visit them before I go back to the US.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Andy for your generous comments. It was our pleasure to see you in Barcelona and spend some time hearing about your exciting adventures.

    Take care,

    Mr. and Mrs. Sardonini
