Monday, February 1, 2010


So, to briefly examine how I arrived in Europe.

My parents were gracious enough to provide me with transportation to the airport. Once I made it through security, I had the brilliant idea of opening up my skype account and placing minutes on it to make calls. For anyone looking for a cheap form of communication to the states, restaurants, taxis, without calling another computer, look no further than skype.

Geeze, where were we before the internet. And to think that during my own lifetime we have gone from a simplistic Apple pc to the laptop that I am currently using with WiFi internet and without a power cord.

So I dined on some Earl of Sandwich (try it out, great stuff) and then got on my flight for a turbulent, exciting flight. I figured that while in International Air, I would take a glass of white wine with my succulent, delicious meal of chicken, potatoes, and green beans. I am a classy individual.

My arrival went without a problem, but we recorded 3 1/2 hours of turbulence. Yikes. I thought it was exciting. Hence, I have come to the conclusion that it was the safest form of transportation to the UK. I don't think a car or train would get far... That's why planes don't worry me. I would much rather have my hands in the capable hands of a Virgin Atlantic pilot.

So, I arrived and ran to customs in an effort to get my connecting flight to Edinburgh. The customs officer was, in nice words, a jerk =-) Sure, there is a bunch at stake if she messes up.
Here is a quick synopsis of her and my conversation

Me: Hello, How are you?
Her: Good. What is your purpose in the UK?
Me: Please. I'm visiting my brother and friends from school
Her: How long will you be here for?
Me: 1 week
Her: What are you doing then?
Me: I'm going to Morocco to study for a semester
Her: Can you prove it?
Me: Uhhhhh ya hold on. I preceeded to shuffle through all my papers to find something with the name of "IES Student" on it. I guess it sufficed. (she handed the papers back and didn't look at me again)
Her: Next!

So anyways, I made the quick jump from London to Edinburgh without and trouble and I arrived in Edinburgh. I quickly took a bus from the airport to Waverley station.

My journey begins...

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